[1] Farinha J., Mateus C. and Soares N. (2018), “Cash holdings and earnings quality: evidence from the Main and Alternative UK markets”, International Review Financial Analysis, Vol. 56, pp. 238-252
[2] Chinthalapati, V. Mateus C. and Todorovic N. (2017), “Alphas in disguise: A new approach to uncovering them”, International Journal Finance and Economics, 22 (3), pp. 234-243.
[3] Sarwar G., Mateus C. and Todorovic N. (2018) “US sector rotation with 5-factor Fama and French alpha”, Journal of Asset Management, Vol 19 (2) pp. 116-132.
[4] Kalbaska A. and Mateus C. (2018), “From sovereigns to banks: evidence on cross-border contagion”, Journal of Banking Regulation, forthcoming
[5] Sarwar G., Mateus C. and Todorovic N. (2017), “A tale of Two States: Asymmetries in the UK Small, Value and Momentum Premiums”, Applied Economics, Vol. 49, Issue 5, pp. 456-476
[6] Mateus C., Mateus B. I., and Chinthalapati R. (2017), “Intraday industry-specific spillover effect in European Equity Markets”, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol 63, February 2017, pp. 278-298
[7] Farinha J., Mateus C. and Soares N. (2017), “Price Discounts in Rights Issues: Why Do Managers Insist On What Investors Hate?”, European Business Review, Vol. 29 No. 4, pp. 457-475
[8] Fernandes C., Farinha J. Martins F. and Mateus C. (2018)”Bank Governance and Performance: A Survey of the Literature”, Journal of Banking Regulation, Vol. 19, Issue 3, pp. 236-256
[9] Sarwar G., Mateus C. and Todorovic N. (2018), “A Guide to Survival of Momentum in UK Style Portfolios”, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, Vol. 9 (2)
[10] Fernandes C., Farinha J. Martins F. and Mateus C. (2017) “Supervisory Boards, Financial Crisis and Bank Performance: Does Board Characteristics Matter?”, Journal of Banking Regulation, Vol. 18, Issue 4, pp. 310-337
[11] Mateus B. I., Mateus C. and Todorovic N. (2016), “UK Equity Mutual Fund Alphas Make a Comeback”, International Review Financial Analysis, Vol. 44, pp. 98-110
[12] Fernandes C., Farinha J. Martins F. and Mateus C. (2016) “Determinants of European Banks’ Bailouts Following the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis”, Journal of International Economic Law, Vol. 19, nr. 3, September 2016, pp.707-747
[13] Bartholdy J., Mateus C. and Olson D. (2015), “Do Portuguese Private Firms Follow Pecking Order Financing”, The European Journal of Finance, Vol. 21, issue 10-11, pp. 848-866
[14] Hall T. Mateus C. and Mateus I. B., (2014) “What determines Cash Holdings at Privately Held and Publicly Traded Firms? Evidence from 20 Emerging Markets”, International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol. 33, pp. 104-116
[15] Bartholdy J., Mateus C. and Olson D. (2012), ““Do small and medium enterprises match their assets and liabilities? Evidence from Portugal”, The International Journal of Business and Finance Research, Vol. 6, n. 4, pp. 13-31
[16] Bartholdy J. and Mateus C. (2011), “Debt and taxes for Private Firms”, International Review of Financial Analysis, 20, 177–189
[17] Hitaj A., Mateus C. and Peri I. (2018), “Lambda Value at risk and regulatory capital: a dynamic approach to tail risk”, Risks, Special Issue Risk vs Performance Measures: Robustness, Elicitability and Time-Dependency, 6(1), 17
[18] Bao T. H. and Mateus C. (2017)” Impact of FOC Announcement on Stock Price Index in Southeast Asian Countries”, China Finance Review International, In Press
[19] Mateus C. and Konsilp W. (2017) “Volatility Risk and Stock Return Predictability on Global Financial Crises”, China Finance Review International, Vol. 7 Issue 1, pp. 33-66
[20] Salma B. S. and Mateus C. (2016), “Corporate Governance impact on bank performance Evidence from Europe, Corporate Ownership and Control, Volume 13, Issue 4, Summer 2016, pp. 583-597
[21] Mateus B. I., Hall. T and Mateus C. (2015), “Are listed Firms Better Governed? Empirical Evidence on Board Structure and Financial Performance”, Corporate Ownership and Control, Vol. 13, Issue 1, Autumn 2015, pp. 736-755
[22] Faltoni F. and Mateus C. (2015) “How Swap Execution Facilities will reshape the OTC derivative swap market”, Journal of Stock & Forex Trading, Vol. 4, Issue 3
[23] Mateus C. and Rahmani Y. (2017) “Physical versus Synthetic Exchange Traded Funds. Which one replicates better?”, Journal of Mathematical Finance, In Press
[24] Mateus C. and Konsilp W. (2014) “Implied idiosyncratic volatility and Stock Return Predictability” Journal of Mathematical Finance, Vol.4, no. 5
[25] Mateus C. and Terra P. (2013), “Leverage and the Maturity Structure of Debt in Emerging Markets”, Journal of Mathematical Finance, Special Issue in Corporate Finance
[26] Hukelmann C., Mateus C. and Mateus I.B. (2013), “How good are equity valuation models in predicting stock prices”, International Research Journal in Finance and Economics, Issue 106, pp. 137-151
[27] Kirsh G., Mateus C. and Terra P. (2012), “Country Governance Structure and Financial Development as determinants of firms’ capital structure”, Journal of Money, Investment and Banking, Issue 26, pp. 6-24
[28] Mateus, C., Gama A. and Teixeira A. (2010) “Does trade credit facilitate access to bank finance? An empirical evidence from Portuguese and Spanish SME's, International Research Journal in Finance and Economics, Issue 45, 26-45
[29] Mateus, C. (2005) “Family firms vs. non-Family firms” (in Portuguese) Economics Journal, nº 73
[30] Balla, A. and Mateus C. (2004) “An empirical research on capital structure choices” Budapest Management Review, Vol.35, nº2, p.24-33
[31] Mateus, C. (2004), “Are Capital Structure Decisions of Portuguese SMEs different?” (in Portuguese) Management Journal, nº9
[32] Mateus, C. (2004), “What Motivates investing on Football Clubs”, (in Portuguese) Management Journal, nº8
[2] Chinthalapati, V. Mateus C. and Todorovic N. (2017), “Alphas in disguise: A new approach to uncovering them”, International Journal Finance and Economics, 22 (3), pp. 234-243.
[3] Sarwar G., Mateus C. and Todorovic N. (2018) “US sector rotation with 5-factor Fama and French alpha”, Journal of Asset Management, Vol 19 (2) pp. 116-132.
[4] Kalbaska A. and Mateus C. (2018), “From sovereigns to banks: evidence on cross-border contagion”, Journal of Banking Regulation, forthcoming
[5] Sarwar G., Mateus C. and Todorovic N. (2017), “A tale of Two States: Asymmetries in the UK Small, Value and Momentum Premiums”, Applied Economics, Vol. 49, Issue 5, pp. 456-476
[6] Mateus C., Mateus B. I., and Chinthalapati R. (2017), “Intraday industry-specific spillover effect in European Equity Markets”, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol 63, February 2017, pp. 278-298
[7] Farinha J., Mateus C. and Soares N. (2017), “Price Discounts in Rights Issues: Why Do Managers Insist On What Investors Hate?”, European Business Review, Vol. 29 No. 4, pp. 457-475
[8] Fernandes C., Farinha J. Martins F. and Mateus C. (2018)”Bank Governance and Performance: A Survey of the Literature”, Journal of Banking Regulation, Vol. 19, Issue 3, pp. 236-256
[9] Sarwar G., Mateus C. and Todorovic N. (2018), “A Guide to Survival of Momentum in UK Style Portfolios”, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, Vol. 9 (2)
[10] Fernandes C., Farinha J. Martins F. and Mateus C. (2017) “Supervisory Boards, Financial Crisis and Bank Performance: Does Board Characteristics Matter?”, Journal of Banking Regulation, Vol. 18, Issue 4, pp. 310-337
[11] Mateus B. I., Mateus C. and Todorovic N. (2016), “UK Equity Mutual Fund Alphas Make a Comeback”, International Review Financial Analysis, Vol. 44, pp. 98-110
[12] Fernandes C., Farinha J. Martins F. and Mateus C. (2016) “Determinants of European Banks’ Bailouts Following the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis”, Journal of International Economic Law, Vol. 19, nr. 3, September 2016, pp.707-747
[13] Bartholdy J., Mateus C. and Olson D. (2015), “Do Portuguese Private Firms Follow Pecking Order Financing”, The European Journal of Finance, Vol. 21, issue 10-11, pp. 848-866
[14] Hall T. Mateus C. and Mateus I. B., (2014) “What determines Cash Holdings at Privately Held and Publicly Traded Firms? Evidence from 20 Emerging Markets”, International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol. 33, pp. 104-116
[15] Bartholdy J., Mateus C. and Olson D. (2012), ““Do small and medium enterprises match their assets and liabilities? Evidence from Portugal”, The International Journal of Business and Finance Research, Vol. 6, n. 4, pp. 13-31
[16] Bartholdy J. and Mateus C. (2011), “Debt and taxes for Private Firms”, International Review of Financial Analysis, 20, 177–189
[17] Hitaj A., Mateus C. and Peri I. (2018), “Lambda Value at risk and regulatory capital: a dynamic approach to tail risk”, Risks, Special Issue Risk vs Performance Measures: Robustness, Elicitability and Time-Dependency, 6(1), 17
[18] Bao T. H. and Mateus C. (2017)” Impact of FOC Announcement on Stock Price Index in Southeast Asian Countries”, China Finance Review International, In Press
[19] Mateus C. and Konsilp W. (2017) “Volatility Risk and Stock Return Predictability on Global Financial Crises”, China Finance Review International, Vol. 7 Issue 1, pp. 33-66
[20] Salma B. S. and Mateus C. (2016), “Corporate Governance impact on bank performance Evidence from Europe, Corporate Ownership and Control, Volume 13, Issue 4, Summer 2016, pp. 583-597
[21] Mateus B. I., Hall. T and Mateus C. (2015), “Are listed Firms Better Governed? Empirical Evidence on Board Structure and Financial Performance”, Corporate Ownership and Control, Vol. 13, Issue 1, Autumn 2015, pp. 736-755
[22] Faltoni F. and Mateus C. (2015) “How Swap Execution Facilities will reshape the OTC derivative swap market”, Journal of Stock & Forex Trading, Vol. 4, Issue 3
[23] Mateus C. and Rahmani Y. (2017) “Physical versus Synthetic Exchange Traded Funds. Which one replicates better?”, Journal of Mathematical Finance, In Press
[24] Mateus C. and Konsilp W. (2014) “Implied idiosyncratic volatility and Stock Return Predictability” Journal of Mathematical Finance, Vol.4, no. 5
[25] Mateus C. and Terra P. (2013), “Leverage and the Maturity Structure of Debt in Emerging Markets”, Journal of Mathematical Finance, Special Issue in Corporate Finance
[26] Hukelmann C., Mateus C. and Mateus I.B. (2013), “How good are equity valuation models in predicting stock prices”, International Research Journal in Finance and Economics, Issue 106, pp. 137-151
[27] Kirsh G., Mateus C. and Terra P. (2012), “Country Governance Structure and Financial Development as determinants of firms’ capital structure”, Journal of Money, Investment and Banking, Issue 26, pp. 6-24
[28] Mateus, C., Gama A. and Teixeira A. (2010) “Does trade credit facilitate access to bank finance? An empirical evidence from Portuguese and Spanish SME's, International Research Journal in Finance and Economics, Issue 45, 26-45
[29] Mateus, C. (2005) “Family firms vs. non-Family firms” (in Portuguese) Economics Journal, nº 73
[30] Balla, A. and Mateus C. (2004) “An empirical research on capital structure choices” Budapest Management Review, Vol.35, nº2, p.24-33
[31] Mateus, C. (2004), “Are Capital Structure Decisions of Portuguese SMEs different?” (in Portuguese) Management Journal, nº9
[32] Mateus, C. (2004), “What Motivates investing on Football Clubs”, (in Portuguese) Management Journal, nº8